The Hindu Vocabulary Part (2) For All Competitive Exams 

पोस्ट में हम आपको The Hindu Vocabulary Part (2) जानकारी देंगे, क्युकी इस टॉपिक से लगभग 1 या 2 प्रश्न जरूर पूछे जाते है तो आप इसे जरूर पड़े अगर आपको इसकी पीडीऍफ़ चाहिये तो कमेंट के माध्यम से जरुर बताये| आप हमारी बेबसाइट को रेगुलर बिजिट करते रहिये, ताकि आपको हमारी डेली की पोस्ट मिलती रहे और के आपकी तैयारी पूरी हो सके|

The Hindu Vocabulary Part (2)

1. DIFFUSE (ADJECTIVE):(तितर-बितर) : Verbose
Synonyms: Wordy, Prolix
Example Sentence:
The second argument between us was more diffuse.

2. DISSENT (NOUN): (मतभेद): Disagreement
Synonyms: Difference of opinion, Argument
Example Sentence:
There was no dissent from this view.

3. INQUISITIVE (ADJECTIVE): (जिज्ञासु): Curious
Synonyms: Intrigued, Interested
Example Sentence:
I do not like to seem inquisitive to anyone.

4. DISINTERESTED (ADJECTIVE): (निष्पक्ष): Unbiased
Synonyms: Unprejudiced, Impartial
Example Sentence:
A banker is under an obligation to give disinterested advice.

5. MODERATE (ADJECTIVE): (मध्यम): Average
Synonyms:Modest, Medium
Example Sentence:
Both of us walked at a moderate pace only.

6. STEEP(ADJECTIVE):(आकस्मिक): Sharp
Synonyms: Sudden, Precipitate
Example Sentence:
The steep rise in unemployment.

7. SLUMP (VERB):(गिरना):Flop
Synonyms: Flump, Collapse
Antonyms:Stand up
Example Sentence:
She slumped against the cushions.

8.KEEN (ADJECTIVE):(उत्साही):Eager
Synonyms: Anxious, Impatient
Antonyms: Bad
Example Sentence:
My friend is a keen gardener.

9.INDIGENOUS (ADJECTIVE):(स्वदेशी):Native
Synonyms: Aboriginal, Local
Example Sentence:
We met indigenous people of Siberia

10. GARNER (VERB):(संचित करना):Gather
Synonyms: Collect, Accumulate
Example Sentence:
The police struggled to garner sufficient evidence.


दैनिक अंग्रेजी शब्दावली शब्द।:

1.Evisceration (N)-take away a vital or essential part of.

2.Prognosticating (V)-to give an indication of in advance. पूर्व संकेत करना

3.Unenviable (Adj)-difficult, undesirable, or unpleasant. अवांछनीय

4.Prudent (Adj)-careful and avoiding risks.

5.Cumulative (Adj)-increasing by one addition after another. बढ़ता हुआ

6.Imperative (N)-an essential or urgent thing. अनिवार्य

7.Divergence (N)-a variation that deviates from the standard or norm. भिन्नता

8.Forbearance (N)-patient self-control; restraint and tolerance. सहनशीलता

9.Statehood (N)-the status of being a recognized independent nation.

10.Detention (N)-imprisonment, confinement, incarceration, duress. नज़रबंदी

11.Anticipated (V)-to imagine or expect that something will happen. पूर्वानुमानित, प्रत्याशित

12.Vowed (V)-to make a determined decision or promise to do something.

13.Reiterated (V)-to repeat again and again. बार बार कहना या करना

14.Pledge (N)-a solemn promise.

15.Face-Off (N)-a direct confrontation between two people or groups. सामना

16.Alienation (N)-separation resulting from hostility.

17.Reckless (Adj)-marked by lack of proper caution or careless of consequences. लापरवाह

18.Delegitimise (V)-to make something seem not valid or not acceptable.

19.Enduring (Adj)-existing for a long time.

20.Formidable (Adj)-difficult, hard, tough, severe, painful, exhausting.

उन्माद (सनक)

●A person having a craze for anything english – Anglomaniac (अंग्रजी के प्रति दीवानगी)

●A person having a craze for collecting books – Bibliomaniac (पुस्तकों का प्यार करनेवाला)

●A person having a sickly desire for alcohol – Dipsomaniac (शराब का लती)

●A person with an irresistible desire to steal – Kleptomaniac (चोरी करने की दीवानगी)

●A person with a false impression that he is great and powerful – Megalomaniac (सर्वशक्तिमान समझने की बीमारी)

●A person having an unreasonable interest in any particular living, one idea or area of thought – Monomaniac (किसी एक के प्रति दीवानगी)

●A person who has an irresistible desire to set fire – Pyromaniac (आग लगाने की दीवानगी)

●A person who believes that he is God – Theomaniac (स्वयं को भगवान समझने की बीमारी)

●A person having an excessive attachment to foreign thing – Xenomaniac (विदेशी सामान के प्रति दीवानगी)

सभी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं के लिए हिंदू शब्दावली

1. SATISFACTORY (ADJECTIVE): (संतोषजनक): Adequate
Synonyms: All right, Acceptable
Antonyms: Unsatisfactory
Example Sentence:
He did not get a satisfactory reply.

2. ENORMOUSLY (ADVERB): (अत्यंत): Very
Synonyms: Extremely, Exceedingly
Antonyms: Moderately
Example Sentence:
Quality of life varies enormously from one place to another.

3. VEHEMENCE (NOUN): (जुनून): Passion
Synonyms: Force, Ardor
Antonyms: Apathy
Example Sentence:
There was a lot of vehemence in his reaction.

4. IMMORAL (ADJECTIVE): (अनैतिक): Unethical
Synonyms: Bad, Wrongful
Antonyms: Moral
Example Sentence:
Her behaviour was seemingly immoral.

5. ACCREDIT (VERB): (मान्यत देना): Recognize
Synonyms: License, Authorize
Antonyms: Ban
Example Sentence:
Institutions that do not meet the standards will not be accredited for teacher training.

6. THRIVE (VERB): (फलना-फूलना): Flourish
Synonyms: Prosper, Burgeon
Antonyms: Decline
Example Sentence:
Education groups thrive on organization.

7. LAMENT (VERB): (विलाप करना): Mourn
Synonyms: Sorrow, Wail
Antonyms: Celebrate
Example Sentence:
He was lamenting the death of his infant daughter.

8. PLUNGE (NOUN): (गिरावट): Fall
Synonyms: Drop, Tumble
Antonyms: Rise
Example Sentence:
The central bank declared a 76% plunge in its profits.

9. DIVINE (ADJECTIVE): (मनोरम): Lovely
Synonyms: Handsome, Beautiful
Antonyms: Mundane
Example Sentence:
Her face had the most divine smile.

10. OPTIMISM (NOUN): (आशावाद): Hope
Synonyms: Confidence, Buoyancy
Antonyms: Pessimism
Example Sentence:
The talks had been amicable and there were grounds for optimism.

कैसी लगी आपको The Hindu Vocabulary Part (2) For All Competitive Exams  के बारे में यह पोस्ट हमें कमेन्ट के माध्यम से अवश्य बताये और आपको किस विषय की नोट्स चाहिए या किसी अन्य प्रकार की दिक्कत जिससे आपकी तैयारी पूर्ण न हो पा रही हो हमे बताये हम जल्द से जल्द वो आपके लिए लेकर आयेगे| आपके कमेंट हमारे लिए महत्वपूर्ण है |

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